HIM's Mental Health Events
Mental illness is real. It’s treatable.
But it’s often hidden, shamed and frequently misunderstood.
HIM is committed to mental health and wellness
HIM began offering an annual Mental Health Conference for the faith community in 2017 to fill a void. Mental health issues were growing in numbers and spread across all demographics. Depression, anxiety and suicide rose (and continue to rise) to epidemic levels. No generation, income level, educational background, culture, or profession is immune. The faith community had few reliable resources for training and supporting church leaders, members and staff. HIM wanted to change that and make help for addressing mental health issues available to everyone.
The inaugural Mental Health Conference in 2017 featured Kay Warren of Saddleback Church, a national advocate. It has continued ever since as a stand alone annual conference putting a spotlight on mental health issues and how our Christian community and local churches can support loved ones, neighbors and strangers in need of help.
Topics we have covered include:
Depression, anxiety, complex trauma, stress, loneliness, suicide and suicidality, children and adolescents, addiction, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), spirituality, mental health myths, diagnosis and assessment, treatment, peer counseling, advocacy starting a church program, burnout.
Sample past HIM Mental Health conference videos:
HIM’s complete Mental Health video library is available to our HIM Partners
Past Mental Health Speakers
HIM views all our mental health events as a service and resource for individuals, communities and churches. It is a good day anytime we can offer people and their loved ones help and hope that leads to a path of healing.
If you find what we do valuable, if you would like to see our efforts continue and expand, please consider a gift to HIM.
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